- Answering newspaper and Internet want ads
- Filling out job applications
- Contacting employment agencies and headhunters
- Utilizing school and employment services
- Mailing resumes and posting resumes online
- Networking
- Contacting potential employers directly
- Interviewing for information
Begin a networking campaign by listing all your contacts. Your contacts include:
- Past employers, coworkers, direct reports, suppliers, and salespeople
- Friends
- Your parents' friends and your friends' parents
- Family members and neighbors
- Community contacts in groups such as social clubs, sports teams, and civic organizations
- Professional organizations
- Former professors and alumni groups
Once you compile your list, commit to contacting a set number of people each week by email. Most clients set a goal of emailing five people a week. Your email should include the following:
- A description of the position you are seeking, including three items from your ideal job environment list.
- Your unique selling proposition (USP), or those three things that separate you from other job candidates.
- Two questions:
- Do you know of any openings that match my qualifications?
- Do you know of someone else who might know of such an opening?
Interviewing for information is an excellent way to narrow down the type of job you are seeking; it also expands your existing network.
Your first step is to compose a list of organizations or public relations firms for whom you would like to work. Next, research the names, titles, and phone numbers of the persons whose jobs appeal to you. Call each and request fifteen minutes of his or her time. When asked if you are looking for work, focus the conversation on securing information. Say something like, "I will be looking for a job a little later, but for now I want to learn everything I can about the industry, the position, and your company." You'll be pleasantly surprised at how willing most people are to take a few minutes out of their busy day to help you.
Remember that your primary objective when you are interviewing for information is to learn. As such, your first duty is to listen. Ask these questions:
- How did you get started in the field?
- What attributes, skills, and education do you think one must possess to be successful in your field?
- What advice can you give me about my job search?
- Would you keep an eye out for me for any appropriate openings?
- Who else would you recommend that I talk to?
Send a thank-you note to each person; in that note reinforce your unique selling proposition and provide a few details about the position you are seeking; also ask for his or her help in identifying suitable openings and referring you to other people with whom to talk.
Follow up with referrals right away — within twenty-four hours, if possible. Stay in touch with your expanded network throughout your job search. A phone call, email, or handwritten note every six to eight weeks should be sufficient. When you do land a job, send a thank-you note to all those who helped you. In it, express your desire to return the favor.
About the Author
A former partner and executive vice president for Fleishman-Hillard International Communications, "The Career Engineer" Randy Siegel now works with organizations to take high-potential employees and give them the leadership and communications skills they need to be successful as they rise through the organization. Purchase his book PowerHouse Presenting: Become the Communicator You Were Born to Be through Amazon.com, and subscribe to his complimentary monthly e-Newsletter at http://www.buildyourleaders.com.