In the area of research and development, there are many different types of jobs available. For example, you could have a biotechnology sales jobs calling on physicians, you could have one of the science jobs, or you could work at one of the biotechnology temporary jobs. Many of these jobs are related to some aspect of the scientific laboratory where research is conducted. One example of a laboratory-oriented job is that of a laboratory technician. Although the roles of a technician could vary, many of the tasks of a technician involve performing tests and procedures according to guidelines provided by the research scientist.
A more advanced responsibility for the technician could be to not only perform the tests but to do a basic evaluation of test results. What kinds of tests are performed in a biotechnology lab? There are many different types of tests, and the nature of these tests is in some way dependent on the material being tested. Typical material that is tested in a biotechnology lab could include, but not be limited to, food or blood.
Biotechnology jobs are expected to grow at a rapid rate for many reasons. One reason is that there will be a growing need for new pharmaceutical products here in the U.S. as the population ages as a whole. An older population needs to be more medicated since the population is more likely to develop treatable diseases. Another reason the biotechnology area will continue to grow is related to environmental issues that are growing in importance.
Is biotechnology a field you should pursue? The answer to that question depends on the individual. If you have a basic curiosity and interest in the sciences, biotechnology would possibly be a good field to pursue. If you have an interest in manufacturing there are many biotechnology jobs in manufacturing such as the manufacturing division of a drug company. If you are at the beginning of your career and are willing to study and work hard to become a biotechnology scientist, demand for scientists continues to grow at a rapid rate.
How do you find a biotechnology job? One approach would be to consult the local newspaper, although there are some disadvantages to this. Unless you are looking in a large metropolitan area, the number of biotechnology jobs that you will find is minimal. A better approach from a print perspective is to subscribe to biotechnology magazines (or find them at a local library) that have a section where employers can place ads for biotechnology jobs.
Another approach—one of the best—for finding any job is to network with people who might know of biotechnology jobs or who know other people who may know of biotechnology jobs. Networking can be used to find biotechnology sales jobs or temporary jobs. The only problem with this approach can sometimes be that since biotechnology is such a highly specialized field, your contacts may not know much about opportunities within that field.
Besides networking, using an online job site that specializes in the biotechnology area is one of the best approaches for several reasons. The most important reason is that companies looking to hire people with specific biotechnology backgrounds are likely to post those job openings on a specialized site as opposed to a general job search site.
What is the best way to find a good online biotechnology job site? First, you could perform a general search in Google for biotechnology jobs, and as you look at search results pay particular attention to where those job listings are coming from. As you find listings that come from an online biotechnology job posting site, visit that site and explore it to determine if it is a good site to look for these jobs. One of the considerations in deciding if a job site is a good one or not is to examine the volume and quality of job postings. Also look at any advertisements which run on the site and observe how many of those ads are related to biotechnology.
Sites with advertisements focused on biotechnology confirm that, in the opinion of the biotechnology advertisers, this is a good site. Another consideration when it comes to reviewing a site is to find out how long the site has been in existence. Older sites that have been around longer are probably a better bet than new, less-proven online job sites.
To summarize, if you are looking for career opportunities and jobs in the biotechnology area, you should definitely spend some time online visiting many of the specialized biotechnology job sites. And here is a tip: if the site offers a feature where you will automatically be emailed any job openings for jobs you specific, use this feature. Saving time is always a great idea.
Who knows—you may find the biotechnology job of your dreams.